Monday, April 18, 2011

Senator reintroduces bill to push telehealth for rural America

March 18, 2011
WASHINGTON – Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) has reintroduced the Fostering Independence Through Technology (FITT) Act, which would expand the use of telehealth technology under Medicare in rural and other underserved communities across the nation.
The bill was first introduced in 2009, but never made it out of committee.
According to Thune, the bipartisan FITT Act of 2011, reintroduced March 8, would create a pilot program to provide incentives for home health agencies across the country to use home monitoring and communications technologies.
Thune said under his budget-neutral legislation, home health agencies participating in the pilot program would receive annual incentive payments based on a percentage of the Medicare savings achieved as a result of telehealth services.

"Access to high-quality healthcare in rural areas can be costly and limited," Thune said in a statement released March 8. "Telehealth technology stands to bridge the distance gap between patients and specialized healthcare providers through new and innovative measures and can bring down the cost of healthcare in rural communities. Additionally, non-invasive telehealth technology such as remote monitoring gives seniors the ability to stay in their homes longer, giving their loved ones peace of mind."
Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), lead cosponsor of the bill, said telehealth technology helps ensure that people in rural communities have access to high-quality affordable healthcare. "This is one of many ways that we can increase the efficiency of healthcare and reduce the increasing costs of healthcare for our families," she said.
[See also: USDA awards 44 rural healthcare organizations with telemedicine grants.]
Thune's bipartisan bill has the support of several prominent telehealth and home health advocates in South Dakota and throughout the country.
"Innovative technologies such as telehealth enhance long-term care services, give seniors more options and can reduce healthcare costs for consumers and government entities," said David J. Horazdovsky, president and chief executive officer for The Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society, the nation's largest not-for-profit provider of senior care and services."In rural areas in particular, the bill offers the ability to dramatically change the way seniors receive healthcare by making greater use of telehealth services and remote monitoring tools."
The National Association for Home Care and Hospice (NAHC) and its affiliated Home Care Technology Association of America (HCTAA) ALSO support the legislation. Rich Brennan, executive director of HCTAA said, the home care and hospice community of providers envisions a future where the widespread use of remote monitoring technologies enables greater access to healthcare professionals in rural and underserved urban areas.
"The FITT Act is a great initial step to ensure that these highly sophisticated health monitoring devices which capture vital clinical information are in use in homes across the country," he said.
The bill has been referred to the Senate Finance Committee for consideration.
Source: Healthcare IT News

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